Q:How to submit an abstract?
A:Please register first, and after logging in, you will see the submission interface where there is a link to download the template. Abstracts need to be written using the provided template, have a maximum length of 500 words, and have the file name [PresenterFirstName_PresenterLastName]. For example: Peihong_Wang.docx.
Q:How can I make a hotel reservation for the conference?
A:If you only need to reserve a single bed room or a room with two beds, you can directly submit your reservation and you will be able to see whether the submission is successful after returning to the page. However, if you have special requirements, you can send an email to yangruihuan-2017@sjtu.edu.cn with a detailed description of your needs.
If you have any other questions, you can consult according to the contact information below:
For conference fees, accommodations, please contact:
Dr. Rui-huan Yang, (yangruihuan-2017@sjtu.edu.cn,15221283960).
For abstract submission, please contact:
Dr. Pei-hong Wang, (wph4025@126.com,18601645379).
For oral presentation (20 minutes), please contact:
Dr. Zheng-yin Xu, (xuzy2015@sjtu.edu.cn, 18302102532).
For poster presentation (2 minutes), please contact:
Dr. Moein Khojasteh, (moein.khojasteh@sjtu.edu.cn).
For advertising, sponsorship, please contact:
Dr. Gong-you Chen, (gyouchen@sjtu.edu.cn,15000461301)
Dr. Bo Zhu, (zhubozju@gmail.com,18800379190).